Published: 20 Mar 2020
The CFMEU C&G Division NSW Divisional Branch believes it is not in the interests of the industry and its workforce for sites to be closed, either fully or partially due to Covid-19 whilst we must maintain public and private health standards for everyone in the community. To force industry wide closures will push many companies to the wall and bankruptcy; and cause unnecessary unemployment with long term consequences.
The CFMEU NSW is consulting with our delegates and members; builders and subcontractors to put in place rigorous site processes so that people can continue to keep working where it is safe to do so.
No site will be partially or fully closed down without direction or and/or advice by the NSW Chief Medical Officer.
If you are sick do not come to work. If you are a permanent employee take sick leave.
If you are able to work but you are directed by your employer/builder not to attend work your employer has to pay your wages for the period of the stand down as follows, including casuals:
(i) If the reason you are directed not to work is you are exhibiting symptoms you should be paid by your employer until you are tested for Covid-19 and cleared. If you are diagnosed with Covid-19 and you are a permanent employee you will then be on sick leave until you recover and are cleared to return to work.
(ii) If the reason you are directed not to work is because you may have been in contact with someone who is waiting on results of whether they have Covid-19, the employer should pay you for the period that you are waiting for a decision.
(iii) If a person you have had contact with is diagnosed as having Covid-19 and you are directed to self-isolate and get tested, your employer should pay you whilst you are off and awaiting your result. If cleared you should return to work. If you are diagnosed with Covid-19 and you are a permanent employee you will then be on sick leave until you recover and are cleared to return to work.
Any site partially or fully closed as directed or advised by the relevant Government agency will be re-opened as soon as any cleaning and/or decontamination works directed by the relevant Government Agency are completed, and workers without symptoms and/or negative test results will be advised by the employer to return to work without prejudice. The Union will endeavour to take avenues open to it to recover unpaid wages to effected employees.
This is the current advice. This will be reviewed and may be subject to change.
If you are a CFMEU member and need assistance call (02) 97490400.
Darren Greenfield
State Secretary