Delegates Meeting

Event Name: 
Delegates Meeting
Event Date: 
Friday, May 25, 2018 - 09:30 to 13:00
Address 1: 
Address 2: 
12 Railway St
Post Code: 

You are entitled under the terms of your EBA to attend this meeting.

There is a lot of activity happening in the industry and more broadly and it is important that delegates and members are fully informed of the matters which effect their working conditions, safety and livelihood generally. As well as to hear about matters which might affect their families.

We can only continue to progress the improvements in wages and conditions when we have informed and strong delegates that represent the Union and their colleagues at the workplace. It is important for the Union to hear from you as the issues that affect you and you wish the Union to consider addressing. The meeting will cover information regarding recent industrial issues as well as being an opportunity for delegates to raise their own issues and to network with each other.

we will have a merch stand selling new black hard hats and other new stock